Friday 13 May 2022

Massacre at Bute

 Today I played my first game of Dead man's hand against John. We played on John's fantastic looking board using his collection of western miniatures. We played the standard gunfight scenario with John taking control of the outlaws, and myself controlling the lawmen. 

The view down the high street to the saloon where the outlaws would be setting up.

The lawmen lead by sheriff Harkness and featuring Marshall P Nut. Four lawful citizens of Bute turned up to support the three deputies. 
The Preacher gang lead by the Preacher himself on the far left take up their positions on the high street.
Harkness and his Posse set off from their HQ at the hotel.
The outlaws steadily make their way up the street making the most of the available cover.
The citizens supported by the lawmen rush to intercept the preacher gang.
The opening rounds saw lots of movement a couple of gun jams and absolutely zero hits scored. 

The preacher gang comes under fire but the sparse cover keeps them from harm.
A deadly gunfight breaks out between the infamous Preacher and the brave citizens of Bute.

The game ended shortly after this as long range rifle shots spelled doom for the marshal, the sheriff and and a couple for outlaws. Both side managed to pass their initial nerve test but the lawmen broke and ran for their lives upon witnessing the death of sheriff Harkness. 
At least the deputies managed to take down the Preacher.

That was a great game that swung between the two sides throughout. I'm very much looking forward to my 2nd game of Dead mans hand.

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