My Old 6th edition Tomb Kings army is finally painted and rebased for The Old World. Mostly contrast paint over a zenithal undercoat or layers of drybrush for the cloth.
2000Pts of Tomb Kings.
My musings on painting and gaming with warhammer, field of glory, and many other games systems in mostly 15mm and 28mm.
My Old 6th edition Tomb Kings army is finally painted and rebased for The Old World. Mostly contrast paint over a zenithal undercoat or layers of drybrush for the cloth.
2000Pts of Tomb Kings.
Today I played my first game of Dead man's hand against John. We played on John's fantastic looking board using his collection of western miniatures. We played the standard gunfight scenario with John taking control of the outlaws, and myself controlling the lawmen.
This is my first game of Mortem et Gloriam. I have read through the rules a couple of times and read a few game reports from various places on the internet and thought its about time i took the plunge and had my first game.
Pre Battle Phase
The Carthaginian commander won the role off and defended. After the 5 flips before the battle the Romans had managed to move the battle from Dense coastal to open coastal. After the scouting phase the two armies drew which resulted in the Carthaginians setting up first.
The Carthaginians set up with the elephants on the left flank, the cavalry on the right and the infantry in the centre but deployed quite deep. The Romans set up to mirror the Carthaginians but had light troops and the flexible Italian foot to counter the elephants