The Punic Campaign

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Tomb King Skeletons

When GW re-released the new "Warhammer Armies Tomb Kings" I had to get them. I already had a Vampire counts army and the Tomb Kings background had always appealed to me. BUT there was always one thing holding me back from them. You can probably guess what that was. Yes it was the skeletons. Their problem was their over-sized limbs which just made them look bulky. Vampire counts soon got new skeletons which look fantastic, and so I was expecting new tomb kings skellies. New tomb guard but no new skellies. I couldn't believe it. So I decided to convert my own. I didn't want to use vampire counts skellies because they looked to freshly risen and very Saxon looking. I was looking to keep my army Egyptian looking. Eventually I found these skeletons from Wargames Factory.

There are 30 in a box and and can be armed with either sword/spear and shield or with a bow.
The plan is to arm these skeletons with spear and a tomb kings shield.
 I started off by applying a gryphone sepia wash over a white undercoat and then dry brushing 50/50mix of bleached bone and skull white. follewed by a 25/75 mix and then finaly a highlight of pure skull white.
wip converted tomb kings skeletons using wargames foundry skeletons

I think the scale of these wargames factory skeletons are pretty spot on to be fair and look much better than the old GW ones.
all 40 models are made and sprayed up now and i have the first 2 or so ranks painted.

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